Saturday Night Online Comic Creation Workshop
Time: Saturday, May 13, 19:00-20:30
Venue: Zoom meeting
预约/RSVP:请在5月11日前 在线注册:
Do you like comic books? Do you like to draw? Do you want to create an impressive comic character by yourself? Please join with us online for the comic creation workshop series, starting on the evening of May 13. During the hands-on workshop sessions, you will learn from experienced comic book artists how to script your story, create characters, design comic book worlds, draw, ink, color, and make your own comic book. The free online workshops are in English with Chinese translation. Both beginners and those with limited experience are welcome. The workshop is open to students, enthusiasts, and artists.
WORKSHOP 1: How to write a comic book and create characters?
SATURDAY, MAY 13, 2023, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM. This workshop will focus on storytelling, and structuring a single page comic book. Learn to script, and layout the panels, dialogue, and flow of the comic book. Additionally, participants will create their own characters using different drawing techniques and how to portray personalities. Participants will draw and share their own character designs. We will also discuss representation and diversity, and how to design different empowering characters that address social issues.
讲师:IVAN VELEZ Jr. ,拉丁裔,生于纽约布朗克斯,Tales Of The Closet曾获Creative Capital奖漫画网赚,曾为漫威、Milestone和DC等主流漫画公司创作漫画,他的独立漫画Ballad Of Wham Kabam也即将出版。讲师:RAM DEVINENI,是社会议题互动漫画《普丽亚的守护神》的创作者,主角是印度第一位女性超级英雄。
Instructors: IVAN VELEZ Jr. – a Latinx, Bronx-born, Creative Capital grant winning cartoonist of Tales Of The Closet, and writer for mainstream companies i.e. Marvel, Milestone and DC Comics, and his upcoming Ballad Of Wham Kabam. RAM DEVINENI is the creator of the interactive social-activist comic books, Priya’s Shakti, featuring India’s first female superhero.
Please register before May 11 for the event:
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