
This book _____ a complete history of the Roman Empire.

A. functions

B. features

C. founds


大家的手机不仅自带很多功能, 例如短信, 拍照, 同时还有丰富的各款应用程序供我们下载。

那大家知道手机应用的”功能” 用英文怎么讲嘛?

1. function: n. 功能;

例如: Most cell phones have the function of blocking unwanted calls.


除了手机功能外, function 还可以表示:bodily function (身体职能), social function (社会职能)。

例如: Networking events perform an important social function– the connection among people.


function 也是动词, 表示”…的功能是”。

例如: Coffee shops nowadays also function as places where people have casual meetings and talk business.


2. feature: 大家可能最熟悉的feature的意思是特征。例如: One of the most pleasant features of this dress is its color.


在手机的世界里, feature 也可以表示为了实现某个功能而有的特征。

比如: My phone has this very handy(方便的) keyboard-switching feature.


(顺便说下, 输入法的英文就是”keyboard”, 和”键盘”是一个词哦。)

如同function, feature 也可以做动词用, 表示含有/ 拥有…特征。

例如: This rice cooker features a timer so that I can decide when I want it to stop cooking.

(这个蒸米锅有一个计时器, 这样我就可以决定什么时候停止煮饭。)

3. capability: 这个词不是一个严格意义上的科技用词, 但也还是可以表示实现某种功能的能力。

例如: I compare different cell phones based on their social networking capabilities.


4. 最后这个词和”手机功能”没有直接的关系, 但是可以和以上的每一个词搭配。

这个词就是: boast, 表示炫耀/ 拥有。它的第二个意思与feature的动词形式有相近的意思。


例如: My phone boasts a very handy function: it can block unwanted calls.

boast 也不是只有在手机界才可以用, 例如: New York city boasts uncountable art museums and history museums. (纽约有数不尽的艺术博物馆和历史博物馆)。



My bedroom also ______ a study.

A. features as

B. functions as

C. functions

This museum ______ plenty of relics (历史遗物).

A. boasts

B. boosts

C. boards

Cell phones nowadays have more and more _____ and they make it harder for us to live without our phones.

A. functions

B. foundations

C. fountains



Their mind function will deteriorate. (CET-4 2016年6月)

The compatibility feature illustrate computer manufactures' new attitude of giving customers the features they want. (CET-4 1995年)

Instead, they should be more involved in learning and capability boosting, thus, opportunities would come quite naturally. (CET-6 2017年)

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